Faith Undoubtedly is a Virus. And a very fatal and dangerous Virus. Maybe the most dangerous virus that human beings have ever experienced. I don't say these words emotionally and because I hate God, although I hate God, but I have a very obvious reason for that as I learned from my remote mentor Dear Professor Dawkins.
- In Science and also in the history of science we had many theories that humans thought that they are exactly true and even they called them "Principle" but they were extremely ridiculous and untrue. Maybe the most familiar example of these cases is the shape of earth and its position in the universe. For years people and also scientists thought that the earth is planar and infinite. Also they believed that the earth is the center of the universe. But now we know that not only the earth is not planar and center of the universe, but also it's a tiny tiny part of a tiny galaxy between billions of galaxies around the universe. This means that nothing is exact in the world of science. then after many other scientific findings and rapid growth of human knowledge about the universe it was introduced into philosophy as the "The Principle of Uncertainty". I mean after introduction of this principle in physics.
- If one of your friends say something to you and you seek for some evidences to realize the truth of that subject, by definition, you have no faith in your friend. Faith , also by definition, means that if you have faith in someone you must accept everything from him/her with no proof or evidence! believe me! this is the actual definition of the Faith. As a result if you can have faith even in something or someone (e.g. God) so there will be an absolute source of knowledge for you. This concept results in extremism. Because when you have Faith in someone you absolutely believe that his commands are true. and you will fight the others because you always think you are right. You can kill people because of your Faith. You can limit them and deprive them from their primary rights because of your Faith. and you don't even have to search for some reason for these doings. cause if you look for some reason or evidence you don't have any Faith! this is the definition!
- You can review the history and see that how Faithful people even without any intention for hurting others, slaughtered the generations. Only because they thought differently and had no Faith to their God or something like that.
- When somebody have Faith in something he don't need any search and try. this is a easy way to look at the world. You load all your responsibilities on something that you have Faith in. and this is the reason that people trend to be Faithful, regardless of the person or everything that they will have Faith in.
Good Luck!
It's Interesting. I believe that the Faith is a brutal Virus.